
Step into a collaborative space where seasoned guidance meets professional growth, and enhance your practice through CRPO-aligned clinical supervision with Sasha.

UnSettle Your Practice Utilizing Supervision

At Wiidookodaadiwin, we have been on a journey of reconnecting to Indigenous ways of knowing and believing, which has resulted in the natural process of decolonizing our therapeutic practices. As a result, I am interested in supporting supervisees to become aware of their own blind spots and begin to challenge colonized systems and ways of knowing.

I enjoy working with supervisees from all different disciplines.

I have experience with couples, families and individuals of all ages (including children and youth).

Whether you are a seasoned therapist or new to the field, connecting with me may be helpful for you if you’ve ever…

  • Wondered if there is a different way of engaging with the systems that my clients and I find ourselves in
  • Found yourself frustrated and felt like you were working against systems that your clients are a part of
  • Wanted to work on examining your own privilege, or wanted to examine and deconstruct your own social location(s), and how they may be impacting your work and the client(s) that you work with
  • Felt unsure and/or overwhelmed by the amount of information that is out there about Black, Indigenous or People of Colour and need a space to ask questions you aren’t sure how to ask

Building Professional Excellence

Whether you’re refining your clinical skills or seeking to fulfill your regulatory body’s supervision requirements, our supervision is designed to support your growth every step of the way.

Schedule a discovery call to see if working with Wiidookodaadiwin is a good fit for you.


What qualifications does Sasha Sky have for providing clinical supervision?

Sasha Sky is a seasoned psychotherapist with more than ten years of extensive clinical experience. She meets CRPO’s “independent practice” requirements and has completed additional training in clinical supervision to offer rich, educational, and supportive supervision experiences.

Sasha completed the 30 hours of directed learning that is required by the CRPO through the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT)’s Approved Supervision Fundamentals Course.

How can Sasha's supervision help me meet CRPO requirements?

Sasha’s supervision provides the structured, educational, and reflective space required by many regulatory bodies, focusing on enhancing your safe and effective use of self in therapy, promoting professional growth, and safeguarding client well-being.

What can I expect from supervision sessions?

Expect to engage in discussions about case consultations, explore use of self, receive feedback on your practice, invite to learn what it feels like to step into confidence, celebrate wins, and develop strategies to improve your professional competence.

What kind of supervision is available?

Sasha offers individual, dyadic and group supervision sessions. Group supervision is designed to meet CRPO standards, fostering collaborative learning while ensuring a personalized experience.

How often will supervision sessions occur?

Supervision frequency is flexible and will be determined based on your individual needs, professional goals, and CRPO requirements for qualifying psychotherapists.

What is the process for documenting supervision hours?

Sasha provides detailed documentation for all supervision hours, including a signed declaration of supervision provided, which can be submitted to CRPO as part of your registration or qualification process.