
Human beings require both support and community in order to heal. Finding the right therapist is a pivotal step in your healing journey. At Wiidookodaadiwin, we believe in fostering a connection that resonates with your nervous system to facilitate healing. Connect with us to discover a therapeutic partnership where your growth and well-being are our highest priority.

Whether you find yourself dealing with work stress and burnout; specific diagnoses like anxiety or depression; intergenerational trauma; issues with interpersonal relationships including conflict or avoiding issues, support is necessary. Sometimes we have enough support through our personal networks, which is great! Sometimes we may not have enough support and may need to reach out to a professional. If this is where you are at currently, I would welcome you to reach out to book a consultation call.

My Therapy & Approach

Individual Therapy

Embark on a personal healing journey where your unique story will be honoured and respected. In individual therapy, the invitation to self-discovery and growth will be extended to help you reconnect to how you would like to move in the world.

Couples Therapy

Being in relationships with others can come with unique challenges. In couples therapy, the invitation can be to strengthen your partnership(s) by having difficult conversation to facilitate a deeper connection and understanding between you and your loved one(s).

It also may mean that you and your partner(s) have come to the decision to end your relationship but would like additional support to facilitate conversations around issues such as co-parenting or cohabitating.

Family Therapy

Each family has its own ways of communicating – both through what is said and what is not. For families who struggle with issues like intergenerational trauma, boundaries, or having coping mechanisms like avoidance, communication can feel difficult or even impossible.

Sometimes we need someone who isn’t in the trenches with us to help sort out dynamics that feel really familiar and hard to change. Family therapy can provide a safer space for families to grow together, resolve conflicts and improve communication.


We may not always get to take space to nurture ourselves or allow another to see us in a space that isn’t seen as “strong”. The invitation is to nurture yourself through somatic and/or embodiment practices to help you feel like you are in charge of your life.


Reassure each other in your shared journey through affirming communication and mutual support. In this space, partners are guided to build a foundation of trust and security, essential for being in relationship with another, no matter how that looks.


Balance within the family dynamic is key to family members feeling safe and secure within their attachment to the family. The invitation is to recognize existing dynamics, understand how they came to exist, and begin to challenge them in a way that promotes growth, communication and understanding within the family structure.

A Personalized Approach to Therapy

Our lives can be like puzzles. Sometimes we have a good idea of what we are creating together – the outline is intact, and we feel like we have most of the pieces. And other times, we seem to have no idea what’s going on! Where is the box that gives us a picture of what we’re supposed to be working on? Some of these pieces or struggles can also be related to systems that we are either willingly apart of or actively working to disengage from (think: school systems, involvement with the law, struggles with family dynamics which may have lead to involved with child protective services, etc.)

Our role is to support you in creating, fixing, and/or figuring out the puzzle that you currently find yourself in. This can be done in a variety of ways, including grounding exercises, connecting with your body to better understand emotional responses, learning different communication styles, setting boundaries and many more.

We also work with people who have experienced trauma, particularly developmental trauma. We regard trauma as any wounding of your spirit, which results in a loss of connection to yourself, your family, your greater community, or all of those. It is our hope that as we embark on your healing journey, we are able to repair some of those wounds. This can mean connecting to your inner child, learning to express your needs and repairing attachment wounds when they arise.

Discover Your Path to Healing with Us

Finding the right therapist is a pivotal step in your healing journey. At Wiidookodaadiwin, we believe in fostering a connection that resonates with your spirit and aligns with your cultural values. We offer a compassionate space to explore your needs and aspirations. With deep understanding and expertise, we tailor our approach to ensure that your path to wellness is both culturally attuned and personally transformative. Connect with us to discover a therapeutic partnership where your growth and well-being are our highest priority.


What can I expect in my first therapy session?

The initial session is centred around gathering background information, defining what it is that you are looking for help with, beginning to set therapeutic goals, discussing expectations, and beginning to establish how you and your therapist might work together based on the information that you provide.

Do you offer free consultations?

Yes, a free 20-minute meet and greet is offered to all potential clients. This allows you to ask any questions that you may have about the therapy process and see if you feel comfortable with your therapist before starting a therapeutic relationship with them.

It may be helpful for you to bring a notebook or something to write in, if you find that helpful to remember or use to reflect back on.

How long does each therapy session last?

Each therapy session typically lasts for 50 minutes. This allows ample time for a meaningful discussion without feeling rushed. We are committed to ensuring that each session provides the depth and focus needed for your progress.

If longer sessions are wanted or may be helpful for your nervous system to settle, that can also be arranged. The fee will be prorated to adjust to the longer session time.

How often should I attend therapy sessions?

The frequency of therapy sessions can vary based on your individual needs and the nature of the issues you wish to address. Biweekly sessions to start are typically recommended to allow for reflection and incorporation of things that are discussed in therapy.

Is what I discuss in therapy confidential?

Absolutely. Confidentiality is a cornerstone of the therapeutic process. Everything discussed in therapy stays between you and your therapist, with the exception of specific ethical obligations to report, which will be explained in your first session.

Are your services covered by my insurance?

If you have benefits provided through your employer that you are hoping to use, please discuss this with us prior to your first session to ensure that you will be reimbursed for the cost of the sessions. Each benefit provider is unique in the services and professional designations that they do cover.

If you do have benefits that you are hoping to use for your sessions, please note that you will be responsible for paying for the sessions yourself and submitting your receipts for reimbursement with your benefits provider directly.

Sasha is an approved provider through NIHB (Non-Insured Health Benefits) which allows status First Nations and Inuit people to access therapy through benefits provided by the Federal government. Sasha is also a provider through the Indian Residential School Support Program – Resolution Health Support Program, which offers therapy to Residential School survivors and their families.